Authentic Engagement,
Instant Results

The future of voter engagement is here. Gain real-time insights, strengthen connections, and drive instant donations.
Streamocracy by Effi provides a powerful tool for campaigns to amplify their message, connect deeply with voters, and drive meaningful, immediate fundraising efforts.

How it works

Integrate Streamocracy
Enable the Streamocracy element in Effi to receive donations.
Go live
Integrate with streamocracy to receive donations
Announce To Your Audience
Enable the Streamocracy element in Effi to receive donations.
Be Heard, Be Seen
Make a Difference
Get Donations During
Your Live Stream
Viewers  type #donate followed by the amount they wish to contribute in the chat.
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I liked it a lot too 😍

Elevate your campaign

Seamless Fundraising

Transform live broadcasts into powerful fundraising events. Collect donations in real-time on major social platforms.

Growth and Reach

Effi helps you grow your voter reach, gauge voter commitment, and build in-house email contact lists, all controlled by your campaign.

Authentic Voter Engagement

Build relationships with your constituents through authentic interactions.
Streamocracy is the future of voter engagement
Discover how it can support your mission today